[i] You know we could pay for a cruise we could go on as a family[/i] her foster mother said. Panic rose in Yvette’s chest at the thought. Alone on a boat with them. And especially him. She couldn’t do it. [i] It’s to make friends for high school… A fun trip with other kids my age[/i] Yvette had said softly, not wanting to be confrontational but not wanting to miss out on this trip. Her ‘parents’ had finally given in and signed her up, giving her permission and even taking her shopping for all new clothes and swimsuits. She thanked them and hugged each one goodbye before boarded the boat. She didn’t wave goodbye though, glad to be away from them for now. The further she was from them the more she felt tension in her shoulders ease. She went to her room aboard the ship and unpacked a few things. She was wearing her [url= http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.607993552066645995&pid=15.1&P=0]bikini[/url] under her [url= http://chivethebrigade.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/girls-jean-shorts-920-17.jpg?w=920&h=920]clothes[/url], which were high waisted jean shorts and a loose long sleeve shirt. She tied up her hair into a ponytail and kicked off her flip flops, relaxing. When the storm hit, Yvette panicked. She was not equipped to deal with such things. She was told to go to her cabin, but she couldn’t be alone. She tried finding her friend Brooke, but as she was about to knock on her door water poured in the hall and began filling the cabins. Screams. Hitting walls. Salt water pounding her face. Then blackness. The blackness gave way to a bird call and a slight breeze that made the hair on Yvette’s arms stand up, salt from evaporated sea water covering her skin. Her eyes ached as she slowly opened them, blinded by a brilliant sun and water lapping her toes. She dug her fingers into sand, and slowly sat up, a raging headache hitting her. She groaned and closed her eyes again, not wanting to think about the possibilities of the dire situation she was currently in as she sat in the sand, face in her hands. She knew if she was going to keep living though, she had to get up and move. So she forced her sore, wobbly legs up and began walking. [b]”Hello!?[/b] she called, but her throat was so dry and scratchy no one far would hear. She coughed some and just walked further, when she saw a figure sitting on the beach. She began jogging, recognizing Jhett as she got closer. She knew him from school, but only from smiles when she glanced up and saw him or small waves in the hallway. Her cheeks blushed slightly as she ran up to him, realizing this was a heck of a time for their first real interaction. [b]”Jhett!”[/b] her hoarse voice came as she jogged to him, breathing heavy as she fell on her knees about a foot from him. [b]”Are you okay? Have you seen anyone else?”[/b] she asked, concerned. They couldn’t be the only two right?