Kieran mused at what the barbarian said, remembering the archer she spoke of. "Ah yes, the elf of yellow hair. I may have caused her minor discomfort last night." he said with a dark chuckle, recalling the rainstorm he brought upon the city. He'd had unpleasant encounters with rangers before, some enjoyed killing animals for sport. That was something he couldn't get behind, and they paid for it with their lives. Kill one hunter, save a thousand of the hunted. With a smile still toying on his lips, he began to remove his own furs and leathers to wash the stink of yesterday off of himself. His body was thin, characteristic of an elf, but also well toned with muscles. Whether in humanoid form or animal, he was constantly moving in the world, working different muscles. He jumped into the water, opening his eyes underneath it. The fishes and creatures swam toward the druid curiously, most likely sensing his magick as Cana did years before. In seconds, his head emerged from the water and he shook the long black snakes of wet hair from his face. "We shall see about the others. I will trust them little. I am called Kieran, by the way, and my companion is Cana."