[b] Rob-Woods-Emma/Markus [/b] A flash of light on his face caused him to flinch for a second, before quickly looking down to see Emma hugging him. "Oh...Hi, Emma. I didn't think you would be here...or anywhere..." Rob awkwardly had his arms in the air. He wasn't really a hugging person. Though this did give him a chance to look around, even if it was dark and he couldn't see much at all. It did seem that Emma wasn't alone...He couldn't remember who she left with. Perhaps she met new people. he didn't know. But it was good to see her alive, though this was quite a coincidence that he found her....camp in the night. "Oh...Umm, I see you are Alive...That's great. I think I see evidence of other people...." Rob looked around for a second. "Sorry, I haven't talk to anyone in forever, So...I'm rusty in talking." Rob paused for a second as if he had to think hard to say something. "Are you okay?" was the next to come out of his mouth. He wasn't going to lie about hearing her cry. She had bee through tough times, perhaps more since he last saw her. But she was alone in the night, that was never good. His eyes diverted to the man who was on the ground, he gave a quizzing look. "Who...are you?" Rob asked quietly, Emma didn't seem to know him.