Water. That was the most prominent thing Kaleb remembered. And tasted. He sputtered, a mix of salty water and sand on his mouth. As he let out a low groan, he felt more water lightly push him onto the sand. Sand? No, he was on a boat, where was this sand from? Finally opening his eyes, Kaleb blinked a few times as he sat up. Sand, sky, ocean, and a forest were in his view. It was somewhat jarring, considering the last thing he remembered was asking the crew why the fish sticks tasted so bad. No wait, that was before he jumped into the pool. No wait, more importantly, why was he on a beach and not on the boat? What happened? Where was he? Taking in a deep breath, he calmed himself. Alright, from the look of things, he was on some beach somewhere and he was totally alone. Not cool. "[b]Oh boy.[/b]" He said to himself. Picking a direction, Kaleb began to walk the length of the beach. He couldn't possibly be the only person there. Right? Right.