Yvette smiled back as Jhett seemed relieved to see her. Her smile quickly faded when he mentioned hitting his head though, and she moved behind him and lifted his hair around to see what the damage was. It looked like he had a gash that could have used stitches, but here on this island well… some sort of washing and bandage just might have to do. That’s when she realized how tore up her shirt was anyway. She ripped at the sleeves until she managed to pull them off, getting up and taking one over to the water and soaking it. She came back and warned Jhett that this would probably hurt as she used it to wipe away the blood and dab at his cut. It was bruised badly and that probably hurt him more than the cut she figured. She used the dry sleeve and tied it around his head like a bandage. [b]”There, you can be a karate master until it scabs over,”[/b] she said with a smile to make him feel better about the piece of fabric being wrapped around his head. She looked past him, just now noticing the wreckage of the ship. Her eyes widened and she began to worry that perhaps they really were the only two left. She bit her lip and stood slowly. [b]”I promise I’ll be right back, but I’m going to check beyond that outcrop of rocks to see if anyone else is on that side of the beach,”[/b] she told Jhett, hoping he didn’t mind her leaving him. She knew if they were to switch spots, she wouldn’t want to be left alone, but then again he was probably braver than she was.