Yay, people are interested! The OOC is already mostly made, so I'll have that up very soon. [quote=TheWindel] Are the dream selves and the real selves two separate characters? How many characters are we allowed? [/quote] Yes and no. The dreamer can be whoever or whatever they want inside their dreams, but they are still themselves. Each player is only allowed one character (their dreamer), but can create as many NPCs as they can keep track of. [quote=Traitor] Glad you didn't give up on that idea of yours Jay. I'd be interested as well but can't promise being able to partake as of yet. [/quote] Thanks Traitor. If you feel like joining at any point later on, just let me know. This is one story where it's really easy to add in characters whenever. Edit: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/57982/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1785260]And here is the OOC.[/url]