Trevor drew his Ka-bar from it's sheath, took a deep breath, and rushed the walker. The hideous creature wasn't able to let out a sound before it was tackled to the ground and took a combat knife through it's left eye socket, instantly putting the thing down. Trevor sighed in relief as he put the knife back into it's sheath, then felt a sting in his left palm. There was a semi-deep cut on it. "Damn... must have landed on some broken glass." He said out loud as he wrapped it in some cloth from his shirt. Trevor had been travelling through the city for about 31 hours, and he decided that he should take a bit to rest and get his bearings, as well as try the radio again. The old survival radio had been looted from a survival store back home, and it was on it's last leg. It took a bit for it to turn on, and involved hitting it with a rock (Trevor isn't very tech savvy) and lots of cursing, but it finally started to work. "If anybody is out there, please respond. This is a distress message sent out to all radios within 50 miles of this point. My name is Trevor Denton, and I'm a survivor, just like you. I repeat, if anybody is receiving this, please respond." He said into the beaten up radio.