"I've got 99 reasons why I [i]love[/i] the Iga Village, and your cooking ain't one of them." Enma shouted back as he trudged nearer to the shrine. With every step, his waist-bells rang continuously. The sound waves bounced back and forth through the woods, stairs, and even the torii that marked the entrance of the temple. Enma's steps were quite awkward as he evaded some muck and rock en route to the temple. "Darain-san, how can you even move in that huge armor? I can't even see it, but when I hear it walk, it feels like a hundred plates crashing on the ground." Enma randomly blurted as he tugged the red bell on his katana. The huge sound wave traveled through the woods as it hit something... Something Enma did not like. "Oh no." Enma mumbled as he ran immediately, trying to catch up with Hota. The bells rang immensely as he got a better view of his surroundings. Enma leaped through several obstacles as his sound waves bounced off of Hota. "Found her... With such a huge body mass, it's impossible not to." Enma dashed forward as he tried to grab Hota's hand. "Stop for a while! I heard something in the temple! Someone's waiting at the entrance... His body is quite contorted into a battle stance, but he hasn't drawn a weapon, yet." Enma said as he tugged the red bell once more.