Iron Fist was actually escorting Taskmaster out of the building since he had decided to re-schedule the would-be Titan's audition, telling him that given the chaos today had had so far it might be best to try another day. At least, that's what he was telling himself and Taskmaster, rather than that the sheer dread of having someone around who could effortlessly steal the martial arts secrets K'un-lun had entrusted every Iron Fist with for generations was influencing his actions. Iron Fist nodded to Jason as the former boy-wonder passed him by. "It's always a pleasure to spar with someone trained by Batman." At least that was the truth. The Dark Knight's martial arts abilities were highly renowned even in the Seven Heavenly Cities, and Danny generally considered crossing paths with Batman or his proteges to be a treat. He hadn't happened to encounter Jason in any of his dealings with Bruce or the Bat-family though, so the prospect of an unknown trained by the Caped Crusader brightened his day considerably. As he finished escorting Taskmaster off the premises, he ran through the list of things that still needed to be done today. He would have to talk to Rose once she got back from the 'family business' of hers. He wanted details about the attack after all, plus her training needed attending to and most worryingly she often seemed to return from these family visits with more bruises and injuries than was in any way reassuring. He also needed to check on how the simulated training was going since the addition of Harley Quinn would mix things up at the least. On top of all of that it was [i[still[/i] his duty to try and meditate and study the Book of the Iron Fist, his own training being an unending road as well. Still lost in thought, Danny stopped long enough to notice that Amy was still in the Rec Room alone. While he admired her passionate dedication to her hobbies, he knew she certainly shouldn't be left in there all by herself all day, especially not if she was going to be part of a team someday. With that in mind he knocked on the Rec Room's door for the second time that day. He tried his best to sound casual without overplaying it, but he had a feeling his encounter with Taskmaster was still throwing him off. "Amy, I was thinking about the talk we had earlier and I thought you might benefit from some solo training, I can help you figure your magic out, maybe teach you how to pull off some cool combos, you might even level up!" His masters had certainly been right when they said that to be a teacher is to try and perfectly fill a cup from a waterfall without the water overflowing, or at least he thought this feeling of being bombarded by a waterfall of tasks was what they meant.