Name: Ashe (Pronounced Ash) Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Asexual, but panoromantic (Has purely romantic relationships and would be okay with having them with anyone irregardless of gender, is asexual and actually has a fear of sexual interaction) Hair Color: Black at the roots, with a gradient to silver in the middle, with blue-purple tips) Eye Color: Icy blue with grey flecks General Appearance: Her hair is approximately jaw-length and almost always somehow manages to appear disheveled. Her brows are a little thick without being bushy and match her roots (black); her cheekbones are high and her jaw is sharp. Her face is heart-shaped, and her hair is parted to the left, if it's tidy enough to even have a part. Most of the time it's just all over the place. She has a light dusting of freckles across her nose and she has a pair of black-rimmed glasses that are roughly rectangle-turned-oval in shape. The frames of her glasses are a bit thick. She's got a gap between her front teeth, although it's small; her clothing is usually a little ripped up and her knees are almost always skinned as she's a little clumsy. She's often got light scratches and bruises. Personality: She's a little clumsy in speech as well as actions, but while she blunders along, she honestly means well, and hardly ever lies. She can't do things as well as she'd like to-- she's not very fit, and has a little more weight than she needs. She's not chubby in the face, but her tummy is a little big, and people would probably laugh at her for it. She runs pretty fast and can walk for ages, but despite the exercise, she doesn't usually lose much weight because she eats a lot, and is addicted to /tasting/ food. She looks a bit awkward, and is a bit awkward, just like she's a little clumsy. She doesn't seem to be aware of the finer nuances of social interactions, and it shows, because she often gets distracted and talks to trees or animals if left alone, rather than people. Incidentally, she's great with languages, and she often learns more of them whenever she can, and she loves reading things in other languages and trying to come up with and decipher code languages. She's a bit of a bookworm. History: Ashe Mason was raised in the country, and was an only child. She played by herself in the trees and bushes a lot, and due to her being alone all the time, it meant she had poor social skills, as she was also home-schooled until the age of fifteen. When she was in high school she tried to date a nice guy, but he ended up forcing her to engage in... intimate... scenarios far before she was ready to. She quickly gained a fear of sex, but she still wanted companionship. She dated a lot of people in short-term relationships, which usually ended fast because she wasn't up for trying anything past kissing and holding people. Eventually she got into light drug use, and started writing her own books and comics, which weren't actually that good and never got any good feedback. Soon, she ended up retreating into her little library of a bedroom, and then one day, as she wanted to disappear the most, she... did. Are you already in the group, or will you meet up with them? She's going to meet the group. She's been in the world for a little while, maybe a week or two, but she hasn't found them. Now she will. I'll draw her whenever I get the chance. :)