[center] [img=http://www.thecourier.co.uk/polopoly_fs/1.2802.1352148895!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_620/image.jpg] The Academy, a place for the psychically gifted. A place where you can either learn to control your ability or let it consume you. We are here to shelter you and help you grow, we are your only safe guard against the Cults that hunt us. Learn to use your power wisely, for if you don't....the consequences are dire. Students stay in Dorm's A-D Teachers stay in the opposite side E-G Your main classes are: Learning Your Ability Controlling your Ability History of the Psychic Classes begin on September 9th, 2014. Please get settled and acquainted. Thank you. ___________________________________________ My Characters: Student Name: Brooke Tomberlin Age: 16 Height: 5'1" Weight: 100lbs Appearance [img=http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/12000000/Susan-Coffey-susan-coffey-12005489-331-500.jpg] [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/342/d/8/d88082282365348c5fc508396cdf9830-d2fm3yo.jpg] Psychic Ability: Precognition/ Death-Warning. She has yet to learn to control this ability, whenever she receives the visions they bring her to her knees and she passes out soon after. She screams almost the whole time she has the vision. Background: Brooke realized she was psychic after she had a vision of her mother driving off a cliff, she was at home with her father when her mother left to go to town. She had a vision of her mother contemplating driving off the cliff, and then trying to rethink her decision when she crashed through the guardrail. Brooke was only 8 at the time, she screamed and cried the entire time, and when she came to after she passed out her father asked her what had happened to her. When she told him, he wrote it off like she was crazy, then came the call. When her father looked at her like she was something he was afraid of, she knew what had happened. She ran away before any harm could come to her, and she has been running since, The Academy found her when she was 11. Teacher Name: Diamond Larsen Age: 25 Height: 5'2" Weight: Now you know better than to ask that of a lady! Appearance [img=https://d22d7v2y1t140g.cloudfront.net/m_300131_TSsrC2JtrkC8.jpg] Psychic Ability: Telepathy, she can read minds and can talk to you through your mind. The downside to her power is that it gives her a splitting headache, and has landed her in the hospital in the past. Background: Diamond learned that she had a power when she was 5 years old, when she finally understood what the voices in her head were. She only has to concentrate on you for a second and then she can hear your thoughts, she did not learn that she could send her voice through her head till she was about 14. She then proceeded to use it a lot, when she started getting the headaches she passed it off to be migraines, then one day she collapsed at school. They sent her to the hospital where they said if she hadn't made it them when she did, she would have died from an aneurysm. Diamond now only uses her powers when she is in great need of them. She was offered a job at The Academy when she was 22. [/center]