Teacher Name: Matthew Pierce Age: 27 Height: 5'11 Weight: 165 Appearance [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/6a/d5/94/6ad5942e07d5734ced5e6327af8a9f12.jpg] Personality: Quiet, yet friendly. A fairly jaded man who prefers the company of books, nature, and cats. A generally calm fellow until pushed to far. Psychic Ability: Hallucinations- Matthew is able to making you see anything he can imagine. People will react to whatever they think they are seeing. Can only be used on one person at a time? Probably. Requires eye contact to work, but he only has to look you in the eyes for a split second to "catch" you in his Hallucinations. (Doesn't require constant eye contact as that would just be weird.) Psychic Drawback(Cost?): Blindness- using Hallucinations too much causes bleeding from the eyes, loss of vision, and if used even more can lead to long term vision loss. Background: First discovered his power when he was ten to get out of trouble for breaking a window. He made his neighbor think the window was broken by a large bird rather than a ball. Once he learned he could make people see things he started to use his power more often. However he was quick to learn the cost when his eyes began to bleed and he couldn't see. Fast forward several years and he has learned just how much he can use his powers before the cost is too much. Do to a fear of blindness he avoids using his power as much as he can. Over the years he has learned most if not all the limits of his ability. On the downside he was disowned by his family when they discovered he had the Gift. (A.K.A. the Curse, by the cult and people like them) Due to this he has developed a habit of travelling a lot to avoid Cult Extremists that are constantly on witch hunts for the Gifted. After years of working odd jobs and barely getting by he is offered a job at the recently established academy for the gifted as a teacher. Student Name: Aiden Cross Age: 16 Height: 5'10 Weight: 160 Appearance [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/db/6c/5f/db6c5f96c7d777fe79f972afe1d5236f.jpg] (Hope you don't mind digital art.) Psychic Ability: Telekinesis- Due to a horrific childhood event Aiden's telekinesis is somewhat damaged. When every he tries to move an object the force exerted on it is to great which commonly results in the object being crushed to pieces. Psychic Cost: The cost for Aiden's telekinesis is that his skin breaks out in lacerations as if cut with a knife. Though only using a little power results in small cuts, using more power leads to more and deeper cuts which can lead to him bleeding to death with out treatment. Background: Aiden discovered he could use Telekinesis when he was five and wanted candy that was out of his reach. when his mother learned he could move things with his mind she was happy as well as worried. She was also a Psychic with Telepathy as her gift. When Aiden's father learned of his power he was worried, not happy. Ecspecially once he learned what Aiden's cost was. As he grew up his mother tried to teach him to control his power and not to use it unless he had to. She also taught him that psychics were feared and hated by others. Aiden couldn't understand that as a child so when he saw some one about to be hit by a car in town one day he openly used his power to pull the person out of the way and nudge the car out of it's collision course. Such a massive show of power resulted in several cuts lacing themselves across his arms and face. Even though the person he saved was thankful he was quick to run off as he could see the local cultist had spotted aiden. With Aiden only being seven he didn't understand when his mother grabbed his hand and started running until they were cornered in a back ally. Four cultists started yelling at his mother to give up her "Cursed Child" so they could kill him. She refused and was able to use telepathy to overload one of the cultists minds knocking him out. the other three proceed to beat her to death with wooden sticks and bats while she hid her son behind her. Crying and screaming Aiden reached out at to the three attackers and put as much force as he could into his power. When the police and EMT's arrived what they found were three adult males that looked like they had been crushed by a giant hand, a women that had been beaten to death, a man that seemed to have passed out, and a young boy covered in cuts and bleeding to death. Fast forward to present day. Aiden and his father Lance have been living in an old house in the country to avoid cultist and anyone really. Selena's death was hard on both Aiden and his father. After the accident Aiden was never able to use his power normally. When he heard of the academy he urged his father to let him join so that he could learn to control his power. His father agreed, mostly hoping that Aiden would be safe in an acadmy with the hope the cultist's wouldn't be foolish enough to attack that many psychics.