Shakuntala was happy to curl up and sleep, after talking with Nikita for a few moments, and she fell asleep easily, her hand curled around her mother's locket. She rose early, use to doing it on the farm, and then just stared at the ceiling until she fell asleep again. She woke to the sounds of movement, and yawned, stretching, and looking over to Nikita. She sat up, and said, "Good morning" She bit her lip, and decided that she had probably over stayed her welcome, even if she did want to stay her. It would be awesome to room with Nikita, instead of the beast of a room mate. She sighed, and said, "I should go get ready. Despite the fact I'd rather stay, I might get into trouble, despite the fact you're just stuck in a male body. Rules, right" She sighed heavily again, and rose, gathering her things. "I'll meet you for breakfast in the cafeteria, okay?" She said, smiling and heading out to the girls dorms and into her room, to the bathroom. She showered, changed, and headed outside, towards the cafeteria with her backpack on her back, before hesitating, and heading back to the guys dorms, and nikita's, knocking to see if she was still there. Shakuntala did want to admit that she was a bit uneasy walking by herself.