It was first thing in the morning, and the sun had just risen over the horizon. So then, why was Clairus already awake, dressed, and moving around things in a storage closet? Simple. Diana was being Diana. Why was he already awake? Well, he didn't sleep at all last night. He was too busy piecing together the mystery, as well as trying to find out what info he could about Daniel. His actions were too weird last night. Even if he wasn't the culprit, he had to know something that Clarius didn't, and that bothered Clarius. He needed to know everything about a case before he could give an accurate final conclusion, so not having it was irritating. It's the main reason why he couldn't go to sleep. Daniel was also fleeing every interview, even with the horrible excuse he had. If a person was assaulted, you work with the investigator, no matter what. Why was he dressed? His sister forced him out of his room to help her with something. Why was he moving things in a storage closet? His sister forced him to help her setup her Occult club. He could have honestly cared less, but she asked nicely, so he would help her. This did mean that he couldn't ask Daniel during this time, so Clarius did the obvious thing and asked Takeshi to go for him. Takeshi was good at detective work, even if his interrogations were bad with men, if all went wrong, Takeshi could just text him. Hopefully, Daniel would have just gotten up when Takeshi got to his door, so no real time for him to avoid the interrogation. Since Takeshi was part of the Detection Club, and he was doing his job, there was no worry for either of them being late. There was no logical reason for him to run away from this, which would allow Takeshi to extract all of the information he could get. He also told Takeshi to text him once he had the job with all of the info, then Clarius would give him his next instructions. Clarius liked field work, but he would just have to suck it up. Complaining around Diana was a death wish. " Diana, have you even recruited any members to this club? Or, will it just be the three of us? "