The struggle to keep the beowolf steady was much less than he originally anticipated as after only several seconds the beast was mobile. However this didn't stop Angron as he continued to shred the beasts skull into paste and bone fragments. It was only after Gorechild found itself lodged deep within the Grimm's chest did Angron relent and took stock of the situation for the first time. From the looks of it, his little visceral display had garnered many of the Beowolf's attention as most of them were now circling his location as battle raged on. However when bullets began to fly, several of them broke off to head towards the source which left Angron alone with rest. For now they just circled around him as they kept a reasonable distance from him, his threat level clear from their dead pack members. With a grunt Angron noted that he wouldn't have time to kick the carcass over and take out Gorechild before the others pounced upon him and he wasn't that much of a quick draw with Hail Fire, so he did the only thing he could in this situation and did the last thing any logical person would do. Giving a low growl that turned into a loud battle cry, Angron jumped forward and gave a massive punch to the Beowolf in front of him. The beast reacted with the expected confusion before scrambling to kill the man assaulting it. Ducking and weaving, Angron gave the beast punch after titanic punch as it tried to defend itself with little success. However the curb-stomp battle shortly became much more even when the other beasts joined in. It then became a wild, desperate brawl as Angron struggled to keep up with the speed of the much faster Grimm. New rents became born into the surface of his armor as their claws bit deep into Angron, it was only now that he realized that mistakes were made. With a frustrated growl, Angron punched downwards into the skull of a Beowolf and watched the beast bounce before shaking itself off and getting back into the fray. Seeing this caused something in Angron to snap, no matter what he did these things were just standing back up. With a flash of his aura, Angron was covered head to toe in a blood colored liquid and unleashed a yell that sounded more in place with a Grimm than a man. The substance quickly became invisible as his body quickly turned sanguine in color and steam began to rise from his skin. Lunging forward into the Beowolf that spited him, Angron latched onto the beasts head before pulling. With a sickening crunch the head tore off the shoulders as Angron pulled the beasts head with his hands. Throwing the head at another Beowolf, Angron charged through another before reaching the large one from before and pulling Gorechild from its bloody tomb. With a jet of steam leaving his helmet, Angron released another bestial roar before meeting the Grimm's charge with his own as Gorechild released its own battle cry and promises of painful death.