Listening to the explanation it did made him shiver at the image. He supposed his folk could get scary too feathers arching up, screeching that hurt the ears. His ears twitched, as her words continued. Hi tilted his head towards her, his own hair sliding a bit along his back and shoulders. '' Neither did I killed one of yours...and many do not even see a mermaid in their whole life. But there still someone who would look at meeting a merman as a test of courage.'' He said taking a deep breath and stretching his arms, flapping them to make his wings stretch. The feathers nearly dry at this point. '' Seeing the end of the would be nice....But what can I do to actually stop it? I am just one of the many harpy that sing. hm....I dont think the leader would even listen to my words.'' His arms closing redsting in his lap as his head hung. He really didnt know how could it ended, her words sounded so inspirational so true the melody honest. ''Araile~'' He sung her name again. A Soft smile on his lips. '' You are a honest singer. Directly from your beliefs and heart. Its enjoyable to listen to it. '' Would you consider to tell me much more? So at least we two can understand each other? Maybe it can be like a ripple on the water surface. One small drops comes to the most far part of the waters.