Hello Everyone to my event for the weeks leading to Halloween Alright so this is an idea I think will really work for this site. Each week (or days depending on how many people are interested) someone will make a Micro RP (Micro RPs are small RPs that can finished within a week or days) about Horror,Supernatural,and anything else that is scary and people will join. The last story we do will connect all the others and that will conclude Hallows' 2014. If you have questions please post or PM and enjoy! Rules Anybody can join but I would like experienced players to post RPs If you run a RP please run it by me. If we want these stories to connect they have to be somewhat similar and not be something like on a spaceship or in a Fantasy land. There can be no more than 5 RPs under the Hallows' Eve banner we don't want to spam the threads with it. If you would like to run a RP tell me what week and an example of what RPs you have been. I would like as a general rule not to have anything over PG-13 Romance but Gore is okay. (Do not go to crazy with the ogre however.) This is Open till October 1st when the first RP starts. More rules may be added as things pop up. Enjoy!