[b][u]Ilum[/u][/b] Rozalia was silent for the majority of the journey to Csilla, sat by one of the windows and staring out into the endless abyss of space, listening to music. This was the best way for her to meditate - drowning out sound wasn't a strength of hers, so she instead listened to songs that Markino had shown her as a young girl. It was mostly human music from the other Universe, from the 21st century, as they called it. He had even found a modified pair of earphones that could fit in her odd cat-like ears, and she used them on the ship. Now, in the briefing room, the earphones were out, and any notion of drifting off into a day-dreaming meditation was gone. Rozalia was somewhat perturbed at how quickly they were being thrown into this thing, but she raised a hand at the regard of questions, and the Nautolan Jedi nodded in her direction. "When you say to locate Master Greon and his Padawan, do you mean they've been captured? Is this also going to be a rescue mission?" She asked, hoping that was not the case. Infiltration she could do - although she left the hacking of information to others. Rescuing two Jedi would make the job even harder - and the fact that they were captured in the first place - including a fairly formidable Jedi Master - was worrying. What sort of things would they be facing in this Sith base? Thinking about this, Rozalia was suddenly struck by the fact that she had never come face to face with a Dark Jedi, let alone a Sith Lord. Not that she cared to mention this to the matured and stoic Jedi Masters around her, of course. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]The Colossus[/u][/b] "Since when was war bad news for us?" Kellan scoffed quietly as the High Chancellor talked with Vallen. Kellan didn't particularly like the High Chancellor, and the High Chancellor didn't particularly like him - so Kellan stayed out of the view range of the hologram, arms folded as he watched the rest of the bridge scurry about frantically. Honestly. These people had no dignity. There were ways to do your job efficiently without looking like an insect while doing it. "Hey, Boss-Man." Kellan attracted the High General's attention once the hologram had shut off. "I'm going to head down to the star-fighter bay, scramble the fighters so we're ready to get up close and personal when we get there." He said with a dark smile, the adrenaline already rushing through his veins. He loved this part of his job. Blowing people up in the air and being awarded for it seemed to be his dream job. He was just glad that Vallen was so easy-going when it came to the nit-picky rules; for example, Kellan had no interest in wearing a starched uniform every day and having a short haircut. He liked his long dreadlocks and comfortable battle wear. Thankfully, Vallen appreciated this. Hell, the guy himself wore whatever he wanted. Traditonal Khaleesh wear suited the alien High General far better than any Republic Uniform could.