[center][img]http://oi57.tinypic.com/j9nadg.jpg[/img] [i]"My life may not be perfect, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world."[/i] [u][b]Name-[/u][/b] Elizabeth Ward [u][b]Alias/Hero Name-[/b][/u] Scarlet [u][b]Nickname-[/u][/b] Eliza, Eli, Little Red. [b][u]Gender-[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Age-[/u][/b] 17 [u][b]Nationality-[/u][/b] American [u][b]Personality-[/u][/b] She has two 'characters'. One is Elizabeth Ward: a rather normal, hyperactive and happy-go-lucky girl who couldn't care less of what people thought of her. When out with her friends, she loves to goof around and tease them, she is also very protective of them and would never let anyone hurt them. Elizabeth is a very ambitious girl who works hard to achieve her goals and dreams and tries her best to make people happy. The second one is Scarlet: the red-headed mysterious heroine. When out on missions with the Team, on her own, or with Bats, she changes into her serious-sided self. She always aims to succeed and fulfill her given mission or to an extent of getting the job done. Scarlet often scolds her teammates when they don't do what they are supposed to, but usually doesn't mean it most of the time, due to her clashing personas. [/center]