Name: Glenndaugion Age:2 generations of amber! Race: Dreamwalker (+2 to Mag and +2 to Lck) Appearance: (Could you describe the dreamwalkers appearance) Personality: Wise but somewhat aloof. But somewhat is somewhat of an understatement. Social situations make no sense, and people never say what they intend. He becomes quite obsessive over logic problems and riddles. For obvious reasons hes naturally suspicious of everyone. But its not that he assumes they are bad at heart, he believes deception is a good thing, it means they want to shield you from the light. Class: Sage Stats: Your stats. Each character starts out with 30 stat points to distribute between any stat (except Mov), with each stat starting at 0 (except HP, which starts at 20). No more than 8 points put into a single stat, please. HP - 20 Str - 0 Mag -(10)8 Skl - 4 Spd - 4 Lck - (7)5 Def - 3 Res - 6 Also, remember to add your racial bonuses to your stat totals. Armor Type: Light Shields:none Mount:none Affinity: Fire Weapon Skill: Elemental/Anima magic-E (Lightning) Light Magics- E Daggers -E Feats/Abilities: Divine Favor, Deep Reserves History: "I was once a happy thought." He smiles "Its funny how many meanings that could have." He spent a great deal of his time in the Old World Ruins. But strangely enough he doesn't seem weathered, damaged, or even aware that he was there. He would likely still be there but while watching two groups of treasure hunters battle one another, he aided them both....Prolonging the altercation. The groups became aware of him and misinterpreted his genuine concern for a sadistic game. He escaped....But found that the group had spread word of him in a very negative light. Thus his wandering began. He had no real destination nor reason to go anywhere. Glenn did however have a slight problem, he tends to see social situations as acts of deception where people say a lot but never what they mean...So he helps people. Particularly couples in need, he would read the signs and help them...And tell a noble or two of their adulterous behavior and how it is bad for the happiness they are trying to create...Getting him ran out of cities. He found acting as a field medic was good for keeping it interesting, AND no one chases you out of town for it. Bringing smiles and relief is enjoyable. Oh and when you agree to sign the parchments or contara cantro? Whatever it was. Don't know why its called Grey Most of its brown...A shurg as he moves on to the next great mystery "Why is it called an orange? Has someone had a blue to compare it to?" (For your consideration)