[center][img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120612164345/starwars/images/3/33/Living_Force_Campaign_Guide_cover_PotJ.jpg[/img] Korriban, the home of the Sith Species where the dark arts and the Sith Order were later created lay silent. It had been unvisited for years by most except random bands of pirates not knowing of its importance or significance and merely seeing it as a safe harbour away from the eyes of the law. However something stirred, that had not been touched or heard off for milenia. [i]"I dun' like this place."[/i] The grubby fat human complained, the Zabrak he was with merely rolled his eyes. [b]"You don't like anything that isn't edible."[/b][i]"Seriously, this place gives me the creeps. You do realize what this place is right?[/i][b]"A dried up planet in the middle of nowhere that no-one visits as they're superstitious prunes."[/b][i]"It's home to the Sith, this is where they started and where some of the head honchos were buried. Y'know what that means?"[/i][b]"That it scares superstitious beings such as yourself?"[/b][i]"It means that this planet is responsible for most of the bad things that have happened in the galaxy! Almost everything is the fault of the Sith![/i][b]"What about the Vong?"[/b][i]"They probably had something to do with it."[/i][b]"You're an idiot."[/b] At that time they came to a tomb, which they had been sent to. They weren't in the most legal trade and Sith artifacts were going for a dime a dozen. That was why they were here, to hide and to gather. [i]"Still dun' like this."[/i][b]"Then leave, I'll take your paycheck if you don't want it."[/b] the human merely grunted as he moved over to the tomb door and tried lifting it. He turned around when it wouldn't open. [i]"We're going to need to bring in the heavy machinery, it won't open."[/i] though the Zabraks face had gone pale as he felt a cold breeze behind him, before he could even turn he heard a [i]snap-hiss[/i] and was dead. --- Karl walked through the halls of the new Jedi temple on Shedu Maad looking for his companion on the current mission. He saw Master Beltan part ways with her after a bow before he himself walked over to her and gave her a slight head nod out of respect. "Alicia Kahel. I am Karl Omi-Ren. The Jedi council has sent me to find you so we may depart on our mission, it shall be just us following up a lead on the Lost Tribe of the Sith. We leave when you are ready, my transport is the [i]Night Fury[/i] and on landing pad three." He bowed again before walking away. He took activated his commlink and spoke into it. "Bleep, get the ship ready. We've got a mission." He heard the tweedle reply from his little astromech droid as he walked towards the landing pad.[/center]