December, 2014, 11:30 AM, an aircraft departed Los Angeles, headed for New Zealand, where, at this time of the year, it would be warmer than ever. On board the plane were a variety of passengers- at the rear end of the plane were a large group of college Geography students, who were bound for a school trip. All was going well until the plane passed over Hawaii, when the speakers announced that the co-pilot would be taking over control of the aircraft due to the pilot getting food poisoning. At this point, all communication with the plane was lost. The GPS signal was somehow disabled, and there was no telling where the aircraft was. The passengers didn't know this, though. They were in ignorant bliss at this time - in their minds, they believed that in a few hours time they would be at their destination, but it soon became apparent that they would never reach New Zealand. When the plane began to descend quickly was when people began to worry, and in no time, the plane was not too far above the water - they were however reassured by the 'pilot' who told them he was just avoiding turbulence. For the next two minutes, however, the plane continued to decline to the point that it was only meters from the surface of the ocean. Then it happened. A hideous sound rang out, fire plumes erupting from the cockpit. The first few rows died painlessly, decimated by the explosion - the next few died in agony, those behind them were horrifyingly burnt and paralysed. Initially, almost 20 people survived, all at the back, most of them College students. Of those, a few were in too much shock to comprehend what was going on, and many were already knocked out. Several seconds later the plane hit the surface of the ocean with a crack and slowly began to sink under the waves. By the time the survivors escaped the wreck and boarded the only remaining life raft, less than a dozen remained, all college students, some seriously injured, some unconscious. An hour later, the raft had drifted close to an unknown, seemingly uncharted island somewhere between Hawaii and New Zealand. Slowly, the boat floated to the shores and the survivors took to land, quickly seeking to tend to any wounds they had gained and to figure out what the hell to do. It was morning where they were, but it would be evening back in L.A. Despite the commotion, the survivors would have the confidence they would soon be found, though this would not be the truth. --- Basically, we will be playing a bunch of College students wrecked on an island. I know it's very cliche in some ways, but I plan to develop the story in ways this concept hasn't necessarily seen. Despite this, this will primarily be a character development RP, how different personalities react, clash and change to having this life here, however long it will be. I plan to make this High Casual, and to only accept around 8 or so people, 1 character each, maximum. This will be based on how good your app is, not if you applied first, and I will be accepting harshly, so, if you don't write an interesting character or one that fits a High Casual RP, then don't be too heartbroken if you get turned down. All this is only in mind if I get interest, so... anyone?