[center][b]The Galaxian Empire[/b][/center] --- [center][img]http://cs9310.vk.me/v9310000/3/CHhCN5NPJUg.jpg[/img][/center] [center][u][b]Short Bio[/b][/u][/center] Imperium Galaxia, Galaxireich or as commonly known the Galaxian Empire is an ancient interstellar civilization dating back to a few hundred years after the formulation of the Star Calendar dating system. [to be continued...] [center][u][b]Physiology[/b][/u][/center] TBA [center][u][b]Society[/b][/u][/center] TBA [center][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/75NIodG.jpg[/img] [center][u][b]Economy/Industry[/b][/u][/center] Even now the Galaxian Empire occupies roughly 1/6th of the entire Milky Way. It has over 10 billion habitable planets and over a trillion colonies spread through space. According to last year's census the Empire has over 27 quintillion citizen. This makes the Galaxian Empire one of the largest if not the largest humanoid civilizations in the galaxy. Whether it's economic, industrial or manpower the Empire has it in abundance. Actually, the Galaxian Empire is struggling with overpopulation which is one of its main driving force to constantly expand. [center][u][b]Technology[/b][/u][/center] During its prime the Galaxian Empire was an extremely advanced civilization and creators of miraculous technologies. They developed the Giant Galaxian Gates for safe and fast travel between any of the network of other gates spread through the Milky Way. They were told to have mastered time and space and had plans to conquer the entire universe or what lied beyond. Yet their empire came to an abrupt halt and decay around SC4000, reducing them to a mere shadow of their former splendor. The exact reason is unknown but the current Empire's technology can be the best surmised as "archaic". Their overall technological level is on par with most major civilizations but their design often prefer style and old values over more practical reasons. Furthermore if we break down their technology to various fields it can be observed that most of them are less sophisticated while certain technologies are considerably beyond the level of their neighbors. Best example are the Empire's tachyon technology. While the particle is far from alien to other civilizations the Empire regularly employs these in their beam and particle based technology. Similarly most civilizations possess warp, inertial dampening and mass-lightening technology the Empire's Schwere-field is considerably better while combining all 3 functions. The answer lies within the Standard Template Fabricator Units (STFU) which are ancient machines originating from the Empire' golden age. Standard Template Fabricator Units can produce a limited variety of parts and technology which was supposedly essential for faraway colonies. By owning some of these the Empire can still maintain some of its advanced technology in spite of the fact they no longer understand the science behind it. The various tachyon converter units are these. They are complete black boxes to Imperial scientists, only understanding how to insert these within their equipment. Reflecting the old Empire's pride and arrogance in their technology, these "black boxes" are also sensitive to tampering. Removal of them from Imperial machinery usually results in the "black box" vaporizing. Other black box technologies include zero point energy extractors and the "catalyst" used for forming Durasteel alloys. Standard Template Fabricator Units are the lifeline of the Empire's technology. Millions of imperial explorers spread through the galaxy in order to find more of these miraculous machines but only with extremely minimal success so far. It also worths noting that the Galaxian Empire has widespread use of cybernetics and regenerative medicines. Albeit the average citizen can never dream to earn enough money for these. [center][u][b]Military[/b][/u][/center] Not counting conscripts the Reichswehrmacht (Imperial Army) has over 172 quadrillion enlisted personnel, making it one of the largest armed forces in the entire galaxy. Their standard infantry wears powered suits reminiscent of knight armors with a skull-shaped mask. These are protected against most technologically inferior infantry weapons while also give the wielder environmental shielding and enhanced strength. The Empire also heavily relies on various vehicles with some of the heavier ones possessing shields. [hider=Battleships][img]http://gineistatic.com/w/images/7/74/Battleship_MCSS_firebeam_BD.jpg[/img][/hider] The Galaxian Empire is estimated to possess over 300 billion warships, easily outnumbering most civilizations. Their standard is the Lohengrin-class Battleship, 711 meters long with the standard crew of 2000. Their primary weapons are rows of tachyon cannons projecting faster-than-light particles in a straight line for vast distances. This weapon ignores classic armors, particle shields and electromagnetic defenses thus eliminating technologically inferior forces with ease. Their critical flaw is in their design which edges most Imperial warships for frontal attacks and leaving them exposed to flanking attempts. Albeit their sheer numbers and a skilled commander can still mitigate that. Battleships also carry several space fighters for rapid strike and escort. They lack FTL capacity but can be launched via Warp Catapults to extreme ranges for surprise attacks. Overall the Galaxian Empire has frightening military power but their huge size and comparably slow interstellar travel speed makes this force scattered all over its domain. Albeit it isn't rare to see no less than millions of warships and trillions of soldiers deployed during a larger military champaign. Also while their ships are slow, they can relocate their armies quickly by using the Giant Galaxian Gate network to travel from one gate to another in an instant. As such capturing these gates in the enemy territory is always their first objective.