Hi, Hope you do not mind, but I piggy backed Scotsman's RP interactions (involved with him in another RP), and I couldn't help but fall in love with this thing. I do not know a great deal about zombies, as it's not really my genre, but I do love the survival factor. Before I join, I wanted to know if the U.S Government is still functioning at this point? I've given the Walking Dead wiki a quick once over for a brief understanding, and it all seems pretty bare in covering it. Just abandoned military and CDC outposts. Just seems hard to imagine that something as slow moving and as stupid and zombies would somehow overcome the U.S military completely. I'm asking, because if possible, I wanted to play a small group of National Guardsman operating out of some isolated outpost somewhere in Chicago. Running scavenging operations, and trying to maintain law and order over the people they're protecting. I like my soldiers, you see, as Scotsman can probably vouch for. I wouldn't go around blasting everything to pieces with infinite ammo, I'd probably more be focusing on trying to navigate the city's ruins searching for survivors, leading big groups of zombies away from the outpost, and searching for supplies. Again, on the question of blasting everything to pieces, I imagine if the U.S Government is in a bad way, then there wouldn't be much of the stuff anyway. Please let me know either way, and we'll go from there. Thanks.