#7 Samantha gave Lily a tiny hint of a smile and nodded. "Good. I'm going to call the guard over and hit him where it hurts. If everything goes well, there's going to be a lot of shooting involved. If it doesn't..... Well there's going to be a lot of shooting involved as well." Samantha shrugged and shot a glance over at the guard, who had apparently seen them conversing. She turned back to Lily and looked her dead in the eyes, "I need you to hide when I hit him. Don't come into view until I say it's ok." The guard made his way over to the girls, a smug look on his face. The smirk made Samantha want to rip his face off with her bare hands. "What are you two talking about over here? Damn females always fucking talking." "I just needed to go to the bathroom." She didn't want to play it off scared and innocent since she had been acting tough the entire time. She kept her voice firm and didn't break eye contact with him until he was close enough. She let her eyes look past him and widen, her face suddenly portraying fear. The man gave her a strange look before he realized that it must have been something behind him, quickly turning around. Samantha quickly dropped to a low crouch and stuck her arm in between the mans legs, bringing it up and hitting the man in his area with enough force to make even the biggest man cry. It happened as fast as a blink of an eye, and as the man doubled over in pain, Samantha was quick to grab the gun that was placed on his back settled in his pants. "Always holster a weapon correctly, sir." She checked it quickly to make sure there was a round chambered and placed it back to its original condition, placing the muzzle on the mans back. "Stand up straight." She dug the muzzle in deeper until he complied and forced him to walk forwards. The others weren't fooled by his attempt at a straight face, they had heard his pained yelp and were already on their feet, looking over , trying to see what happened. With a deep breath, she forced him to walk closer until they were only a few feet away from the fire. It was going fine until one of the men caught sight of her. Sam's eyes widened and she quickly turned the gun towards him, shooting twice before turning her attention to the man in front of her and lifting her foot, spartan kicking him into the fire. She didn't hesitate in aiming in on the other man who had already tried shooting her, sending three bullets towards him, two hitting in the stomach and one in the chest. The last man was a bit more easy to take out, seeing as how he was fumbling around with her crossbow. She immediately shot him, sighing of relief when they were all dead. "It's ok now! We have to hurry before the walkers come." Samantha called out to Lily, wincing when she felt something hot on her arm. She looked down and frowned, seeing the blood slowly streaming on her jacket's arm. A bullet had skimmed her, but still left a pretty deep gash. "Damn it." She covered her wound and walked over to a bag that the men brought along, opening it and taking out what was necessary.