[i]'I wonder if he's doing well. He looked a little flushed when I smiled at him, perhaps he is developing a fever. It did rain yesterday'[/i] Ignoring the obvious possibility of the reason behind his guest's behavior he goes over many more unlikely options until at last they have a good pile of cones and he's ready to find a place to set them up. As he looks around for a good spot Aryx speaks up and what he says makes Viltez smile. It is a genuine smile and when he looks over at the man he chuckles lightly. His tail wriggles around behind him, tapping the pine cones curiously. “I don't mind Mister Aryx, and I was not offended. I was a bit surprised, but nothing more. After all, these new sensations of having someone else touch it are very new. Like a baby truly seeing it's mother's face for the first time, I imagine it is quite shocking, which is why their eyes are so wide.” He giggles at this, the dismissing of the underlying feelings going unnoticed in his effort to make his guest more comfortable. Overhead a bird calls out, it's cry making Viltez look up, raising a hand to shade his eyes as a small sliver of sunlight is let in from the beast taking off. He follows it with his eyes for a while before turning his attention back to the matter at hand. [i]'Yes, I was not offended, it just felt odd. . .'[/i] He huffs lightly and begins scanning the area. “We just need a good spot. . .” His tail once more snakes over towards Aryx to play while he hunts. With a clap he spots a fallen log about a dozen paces away. Pointing at it he smile sat Aryx, ignoring his tail. “There, that's a good spot. If we line them up, I think I can start trying to tell it what to do in a more natural way. You could chuck a few at me randomly as well to see if it responds the same as before!” The best man is clearly excited to get started, to move on to something new so he doesn't have to reflect as much. Scooping up several from the pile he smiles warmly at Aryx and walks happily over to the log and sets strait to work. He doesn't notice his tail as it begins to curl and coil happily, almost like a cat's while at play. He even begins to hum softly, his mood from before but a distant memory.