"Agreed," Bobby replied as they followed the rope up to the staff room. "We're definitely going to need that." While there was most definitely food on the island - there was a forested area inland, which meant there would most likely be small creatures to hunt. As for a fresh spring, Bobby doubted it. They couldn't simply rely on the resources of the island. They had the hierarchy of needs that they had to follow. First, stabilize the injured. Then get necessary resources - food and water- to the rest of them. Then find a way back home. "I see it!" Bobby proclaimed as the entrance to the staff room came into view. However, the line of rope ended a few feet away from the entrance. Surprising herself with her wealth of ideas today, Bobby pulled a loose cable from the ship and made sure it would be able to tie an knot. She then turned to Angel. "One of us needs to stay here. In order to get into the room, on of us is going to have to tie this cable around them and go in, while the other holds the end of the cable so the one going to the room doesn't fall off the ship."