A thick layer of dust fluttered around Thema. Her hands clutched onto Gilfred as he led her to a safe distance that was farther away from Aerilyn. It was hard to see through the storm the air elemental had created and as much as Thema hated relying on someone else, it was nice to have backup. "Well it looks like our roll as guards has met its end, eh?" Said Gilfred as he released Thema. "I suppose this is the part where I ask you to keep close, so that way you can save my skin when something in there goes wrong?" A mischievous grin grew on his face as he spoke. Thema nodded in appreciation for his help and watched as Gilfred began to duel one of the Vygorns. Though he won that round, two others began advancing towards him. Thema took this as her queue to step in. The plant mage uncorked her small vial and lobbed the contents towards her enemies. She expected the same results as last time: exploding seeds which release constricting vines. Though to her surprise, something much different happened. Rather than detonating, the seeds that scattered across the field began to enlarge and swell. Soon they stood two feet tall and were thicker than soccer balls. Thema was unsure what was going on. How were these giant seeds supposed to help fend off the Vygorns? As the masked enemies approached, the bulbs began to vibrate. Soon after, they bloomed, exhuming a foul gas that the storms winds carried throughout the field. The smell was so putrid, the Vygorns began to cough and tear up. Though they tried to advance, one fell to the floor, gasping for fresh air while the other began to puke from the retched stench. Thema began to feel her stomach churn and pulled her tunic up to cover her mouth to try and filter the gas. She called for Gilfred, hoping he would retreat from the battle with her while the Vygorns were weakened.