[quote=Silent Observer]His body was thin, characteristic of an elf, but also well toned with muscles. Whether in humanoid form or animal, he was constantly moving in the world, working different muscles.He jumped into the water, opening his eyes underneath it. The fishes and creatures swam toward the druid curiously, most likely sensing his magick as Cana did years before. In seconds, his head emerged from the water and he shook the long black snakes of wet hair from his face. "We shall see about the others. I will trust them little." [/quote] "You need not trust them," Nyala replied, "You merely need trust them to be as they are. Men are not so different from beasts, like them each shall perform according to their natures. Like a beast, it is only that we must come to their markings. I am Nyala by the way, a Njordman, hunter of Jotunn, Unseelie and other fell creatures that would harm the land." Stepping from the water, Nyala threw her long crimson hair, wicking it with her hands. She fancied a swim but there was little time. The others would be gathering soon and while she was dead certain that she and her new druid companion could track the assemblage from sea to sea, she was more worried that they might pause, waiting for herself and her new companion.