Hiiiiiiii~~!!! Err'body. Hi.^^ Soooooo!! I'mma play in muh first Tabletop RP!!! ;DDDD Yays! So like one of muh friend's bro's is into Dungeons and Dragons so he gots the new Starter books and he's gunna show his sis(muh friend), me and two of our other friends how to play!!^-^!! So exciting! Oh and not just that. Guess who's gunna be the [i]"Dungeon Master!?!!"[/i] :3 Yush. That's right. Huhuhu... They put the bunny in charge. Huhuhuhu... They. Put. The. Bunny. In. Charge. Huhuhuhuh!!! -points to self- MEEE!!! The fools!!! Don't they know you never give any bunny any sort of all-consuming, omnipotent-potent POWER!!!! Like Rabbids! HUHUHUHUH!!!! I will rule them all!!! I am the DUNGEON MASTER!!! KINKY! Iknowrite!!! Urshums!!! Huhuhuh...! xDDD K, so all serious-like nows... So muh friends bro is gunna show me how to be Dungeon Master and I'mma mod for the game^^ Like he's gunna lend me the books from the box and I'mma have to read over the adventure part and we're gunna go over the rules too. He says it should be easy for me to learn cuz there's no maps for battle in this series. Like squares and minis, he says. Urms. Wat? But wut-evs, Imma read the rules and adventure. It's like 60 pages? Right. So, I'mma do my best and I'mma soooooooooooooooooooo makes them kneel before the game when I introduce myself as Dungeon Master! MEEE~~<3<3!! Huhuhuh! Funs! ~BOING!!!~ K, so like this weekend is when we will be playing so wish me luck! Like I dun understand half of what Smilodon Actual said in OP... but I'll report back here to RpG after we play,k? Bunnita out. ~Later, err'body~~!!