Name: Hunter Nickname: none Age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Necromancer Crush: "As if!" Relationship: "I am far too busy with other things." Appearance(s): [img][/img] Personality: Evil, cunning, Rude. When he wants something, it's usually for his own personal gain. Cares only for himself and no one else(or so he says). The rest is TBR. Bio(optional): "Why would I waste my breath when I have more important things to do?" Other: Still has his shadow minions, but is thinking about upgrading to something else. Name: Toka Nickname: None Age: Unknown Gender: .......Male? Species: Shadow Crush: none Relationship: none Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Evil, a prankster, sneaky, easily distracted and the rest is TBR Bio: TBR Other: He works for Hunter, but often fails to follow his commands.