Hector snorted as Isam spoke. “Really? I was expecting you to leap out of that cell, draw this dead man’s sword, and fucking slay Dragonmaw and all of his soldiers with such a degree of skill that I would feel like an asshole for even trying to save you!”- He began stripping the dead man of his armor, still talking. “Of course I have to help you. After the asskicking you appear to have taken, I’m surprised you can barely stand.” He rapidly finished taking off the man’s armor, and then dragged the corpse into Isam’s vacant cell. “There. That should by us a minute if anyone glances into here.” He walked back over to the former prisoner. “ Let’s begin the process of getting you into this armor.” Process didn’t even describe it. With Isam so beaten and malnourished his help was limited. Hector suspected that the armor overall was just a tad too small. Regardless, they eventually got him into the armor, though slowly. Taking Isam’s weight again, Hector said, somewhat jokingly, “Just let me do the talking if we’re stopped, and act like you’re in a hell of a lot of pain.” They made their way up the stairs, and out of the dungeons. Hector started heading towards the exit. Guards were on high alert, and one of them inevitably stopped them. Hector swore under his breath despite knowing that this was going to happen sooner or later. He just would have preferred sooner. “What happened to him?” The mercenary said, gesturing towards Isam. “Some bastard trying to free Isam got him good, but I heard the fight and managed to save him from getting killed. Isam is still in his cell, and the bastard ran out before I could kill him. What’s the alarm for?” Hector replied and hoped that it was over the body in the closet and not a false alarm. They definitely didn’t need to set off a real alarm.