Lena snored as she leaned back in her chair, feet propped up on the table while she was standing "guard" at the entrance to the missionary camp. Really it did not matter if she was awake or not, behind her two other hired merc where playing a game of cards not paying attention themselves since no one other than the townies looking to trade came to their small camp outside of the town anyways. The three mercenaries were hired by the Follows of the Eternal Goddess, also known as the followers for short. They where known as healers and teachers, only having a few small temples because of their nomadic nature, travelling from island to island trading medical supplies and books, using their skills in healing and teaching and trying their best to spread the word of the Goddess, it was however not uncommon knowledge that they directly opposed the Crucible and because of their pacifistic nature they relied on Merc like Lena and the others to guard their ships while they sailed through Sovereign territory. Thomas was an older man with a eye patch over his left eye, Lena had never seen under it but she knew it probably was not nice since that half of his face was heavily scarred. Mattaus was opposite of him, the black haired merc not looking so good as he pushed over the last of his cash to a grinning Thomas, "God dammit, how do you keep getting all those good hands Thomas? You hiding cards in your sleeves." "If I was Mattaus it would be pretty impressive since I do not have any sleeves on this shirt." The grey haired man laughed as the ground started to shake, the two of them looking up to see a low flying airship pass over for an emergency landing, ignoring Lena as she woke with a start from all the noise and fell backwards in her chair. "Arrgh, what was that?" The young woman stood up and saw the two of them staring so she turned to where they were looking and caught a glimps of the ship before it disappeared on the other side of the town. "Well that can't be good." She added, "Ey' Thomas why don't you go ask Damian what he wants to do about that? I am sure some followers saw that ship crashing and would want to go send some healers to help out, Me and Mattaus will go check it out, see if it was anyone dangerous so the healers don't get themselves in some trouble when they arrive." Thomas looked at her, not liking that the younger merc was giving him orders but he gave into the fact that it was a sensible plan and turned to go get the Follower leader without saying a word. "Why'd you volunteer me for this, I don't wanna go see if they are shooty pirates or sumthin." Lena just gave him a look as she picked up a rifle and tossed it to him, the merc catching it of course. "To bad, we're just gonna go have a look anyways, not like we might have to shoot anyone." She replied, picking up her own rifle and pulling him along to get him started at least, They would have to take a path through the town, two heavily armed merc heading towards the crash site might not look good but it was the quickest way there. Besides by now most of the townsfolk knew who the two of them where and probably would not cause a ruckus while they passed through.