#7 Samantha smiled as Lily took the weapon and told her that it was ok. "It's better this way. No one should ever have to go through that.... I just hope Levi and your sister got a chance to escape." The two began walking the way they had came from, Sam's crossbow in her hands once more. "Ugh. Scarlett knows these stupid suburbs like the back of her hand. She was the more social one out of the both of us. She traveled around Chicago and it's little cities every day. I wish she was here to tell us where we were. Where are you and your sister from?" The sound of moaning and groaning turned Samantha's face pale. The sound came from behind them and she quickly turned, aiming her weapon. From what she could see, the corpses of the men that they had left behind had become a feast for the walkers. "Come on, let's get out of here a bit faster." She turned and tugged on Lily's arm a bit before picking up the pace into a light jog.