''You sent words for me. May I know why?'' Marren raised his own salute though it was less professional than one might expect of such a gesture, with it's own variance. Apparently according to his instructor the nobility had a different salute than the more common folk. Marren found it odd but didnt much care. The woman that stood before him at first glance didnt look much like a rising star or even a seasoned warrior. Pale skinned and violet haired Marren even wondered if she was bastard-born from nobility, certainly she looked much like any other noble girl that he saw. However on closer inspection details emerged that would indicate otherwise. The armour was not new, it was well taken care off but cleaning and hammering did not hide the dents, the scrapes and the wear and tear of battle. But most of all was that look she gave him. Marren had to be honest, it scared him slightly. His experience of war was short skirmishes, duels in the sky with Kantilian riders and those were enough to stretch his nerves. The soldiers he fought with were nobles like him. None of them had such a look as the veteran that stood before him. He cleared his throat and indicated for the woman to sit and poured two glasses of wine, pushing one to her. “I have called you here because I am in need of your skills” he did make a move to drink “I have received permission from the Crown to go on a mission of great importance, one that will change the tide of this war” He paused, sipping his drink “You know of the threat Kantle is to this great Kingdom of ours that is obvious. However do you know much about these 'sky-chariots' that rumor attests to?”