He listened as she told him how there had been report of servant abuse. Harold hadn't detected any of that when he was in there, but it was worth looking into. Before she took leave of him she pulled out a handkerchief. He watched, mesmerized, as she dabbed the cloth on her tongue. She leaned in close and he felt his his heart quicken. She softly dabbed a spot of dried blood underneath his lower lip. She then turned and got into her carriage. He watched, still slightly dazed as it went off into the distance. He shook his head clear of the fog as he touched the spot where she dabbed her handkerchief. He went around the side of the building where the kitchen exited at. He saw a few of the servants milling around outside. He went and talked to a few of them. None of whom said anything about mistreatment. They complained about low wages and being looked down on, but noting of physical harm. So why would Lady Vanderbilt lie to him? A woman of such affluence, why would she be involved in such a thing as simple levitation? For now that would have to remain an unanswered question. He walked back to the stables to retrieve Buttercup. The ride back to the order left Harold full of more and more questions. Hopefully brother Dominic would know what to do. He reached the order and stabled Buttercup. He strode into the monastery and entered brother Dominic's office. Brother Dominic looked up from his books. "You look a little worse for wear." Harold flopped down into the chair. "There was a incident at the ball." Harold said nervously. Brother Dominic glared at him. Harold sighed loudly and told brother Dominic everything that had happened. He then pulled the hair pin that he had retrieved from the levitating girl. Brother Dominic stood up and took the object from Harold's hand. He eyed it suspiciously. "Looks like an ordinary ladies hairpin. It must have been enchanted and when you removed it, you removed the enchantment." Harold stood up and starting pacing the floor. "That is what I thought as well, but then why would Lady Vanderbilt tell me it was probably a spiked drink?" Harold said, thinking out loud. Brother Dominic stood in front of Harold and asked him to repeat the name he just said. Harold repeated the name of Lady Vanderbilt. Brother Dominic slowly walked back behind his desk and sat down. "Harold." Brother Dominic started. 'We have been receiving many accusations that she dabbles in black magic. So far, accusations are all we have, but please be careful around her. She is not to be trusted. Whatever you do, do not go near her." Harold nodded slowly. "So, what should I do now?" Brother Dominic picked up his book. "Honestly Harold. I would sleep on it." Harold rose and went back to his room. It had been a long night and he needed some sleep. He undressed and crept into bed. His head was swimming with ideas and questions. He would go to town and find out all he could about this Lady Vanderbilt. His eyes grew heavy as his mind still raced. He soon fell to sleep. As he slept, he had dreams about the day. Harold's mind was his greatest gift. As he slept it played back every detail he may have missed. Subtle clues he may have overlooked. Although moving the information from his subconscious to his consciousness wasn't something he had mastered yet.