Hello everyone. Username is Enix, and I am horrible with introductions. I have been Roleplaying since '06, though I'm nowhere near what I would call an "expert" at the craft (or art as it were), but you do learn something every time you put your fingers to the keys. I tend to be more of a lax individual when it comes to other people, live and let live kind of personality, though I do tend to open up a bit more when I know people better. I am a fan of the vidja-games that all of these kids are playing these days, and have been for many, many years. From MOBA's, to [i]some[/i] FPS's, I've had my fun times with Multi-player experiences, as well as Single player campaigns. Don't know what else to really say about myself other than hi, hi and hi, so I'll just let it go there and continue to make myself at home browsing some of the areas this forum has to offer. :J