"While I'm not much of a sorceress, I know enough from growing up with my father to tell you that these sort of odd occurrences are just part of life for for those who practice magic" Pyria replied. "In spite of my problems at work, I am happy to see that the school is busy. It was my father's dream to teach freely and openly, to share knowledge with all races and peoples of all nations. He even gave me a job as the registrar. It's a lot better than my last job." Pyria added. Asthia smiled at Bryce's words. "Maybe it will be least a lifetime. Maybe several of them. You never know. Anyway, let's take a look at what's up here." The walked up a wide spiral staircase to find several pieces of astronomical equipment: telescopes, orrerys, star charts, the works. "Hmm. I was never much into the stars, but I think Nyame is."