[center]Police Department – Nash and Westhuizen’s Office Detective Michael Nash[/center] It was already dark when the detectives arrived back at the department. Westhuizen was drunk enough that it shows and he barely could walk straight. Nash helped him up the stairs and on to the couch in the staff lounge. After dumping everything from his pockets on the coffee table, Westhuizen passed out and soon began snoring. Nash simply sighed, lit a cigarette and went to his office. He began with transcribing the statements they gathered from the PoIs. Lilith Adams’ statement consist of the characterization of the victim and her last known location, a party at a frat house in 5th avenue. She also mentioned seeing the victim leaving the premise with a person named Cooper Harley. [i]Maybe he has a rap sheet. Kids like him tend to have one.[/i] Nash thought while typing his name in the database search program. He minimized the application while it searched and continued typing down the statements. Lisa Daniels’ characterization corroborates with Lilith Adams’. The only difference being that Ms. Daniels see the victim more of an angel than Ms. Adams. What he finds most interesting was the church she mentioned which was rather too devout for the detective’s taste. Nash’s last encounter with fanatics was a cult operating around the state border. It was a jurisdiction nightmare with multiple departments from both states involve and the FBI. The cult seems to be your typical ‘New Age Religion’ groups, friendly and liberal but that just a front. If you looked behind the curtains, they were operating a sex-slave ring with most of the women brainwashed and underage. The task force were hard press to find evidence against the cult since they got all their bases covered and were cautious. Nash tried to turn one of the women inside and failed but not before planting a bug on her clothes. The bug was small and durable but wasn’t capable of transmitting data live yet it has enough capacity to record twenty days of audio. Nash waited and waited until he could retrieve the device. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months until he encountered same girl wearing the same dress again. After a quick interaction, he was able to swipe the bug from her dress, intact and its hard drive full. Most of the recorded audio were useless but the parts that contained information were valuable enough to warrant a raid into the cult’s compound. Everything else was history. Due to his actions, the FBI has been and still are trying to recruit Nash. The detective was considering the possibility of a cult when the search program pinged. He opened the application which was showing the criminal record of Cooper Harley. [i]Mmm... Nothing too impressive. Few drug related arrest and other petty crimes. Never served serious time either. He doesn’t come off as killer to me but who knows. People do crazy things in crazy situations.[/i] Nash thought. He typed down an APB request, attached the rap sheet and sent the email to dispatch. Feeling like it was about time for a well-deserved coffee break, he headed towards the lounge where his partner was drooling a river. He was in the middle of pouring himself a cup of coffee when Westhuizen’s phone rang. Curious, Nash spared a glance on the caller ID, Andrea Carter. She was Tomias’ partner during his time in Narc. Nash picked up the call. “West?” Andrea’s voice was rough. She was probably out based on the traffic noise Nash is hearing in the background. “No, Tomias is currently passed out on the couch in front of me. This is Michael Nash, his partner.” “I’m assuming the ringing still bothers him. Nice to finally nice to talk to you detective Nash. West speaks highly of you. Anyways, I’m calling regarding the feelers he ask me to put out. Two of my agents caught wind of possible cartel operation upstate. From the intel, they’re stock piling merchandise but everything is still hazy since we couldn’t find any solid clues regarding the operation. So far we’re able to access the local operation. Small time suppliers and dealers only.” Andrea was all business and straight to the point. Nash couldn’t help but like her. “Thanks Andrea and I know this may be asking a little too much but regarding the local operation, is there any action going down? My case might be connected with the cartel operation since she was found with her system wacked with different kinds of drugs.” “I owe West a favor and out of professional courtesy, I’m going to answer your question. We got rumors from the grape vine that a deal is going in a party at a place called Manor. Rumor has it that a major player’s middle-man would be attending. Since we can’t confirm these, I have my agents at play. If any of it is true, we’re busting the party. Look, Nash. You may take the backseat with me but do not get involve. If there is really an operation upstate and we succeed in bringing it down then we would have crippled their influences within the area.” “Sure Andrea, I’ll take the back seat. I just want to see if there is any connection between our cases.” “Good to hear. I’m on my way to the local department. Meet me there.” Andrea hanged up. Despite Nash saying that he would take the backseat he still wanted his own eyes inside. He need someone willing to operate outside their jurisdiction and off duty. He just have the guy in mind, Officer Richard Harmsworth. The detective went back to his office, typed the officer’s name in the database and soon after got his assignment sheet. [i]My, my. He got the looks and talent for what I had in mind.[/i] were Nash’s thoughts while dialing the 6th department. --- [center]Outskirts of Downtown – Wayne’s Bar Officer Richard Harmsworth[/center] Wayne’s Bar was located just at the outskirts of downtown, close to the 6th police department. It’s a small establishment complete with the necessary items, a juke box, dart board and a pool table. The local’s owner was a bulky man and older timer named, what a surprise, Wayne. By nature, it attracts cops but does have other customers but never the ones of the illegal kind. From time to time, Wayne’s Bar has been called the Smoking Gun since it’s the usual hangout of the officers and detectives from the 6th who’re also known as “Under the Guns.” They’re known for meddling on other department’s jurisdiction hence the nickname. Presently, the bar is jammed with off duty officers seeking a good time. Richard Harmsworth was with his colleagues around the pool table, playing and discussing the recent media hype of the Red Rum case. Per usual, the media made a lousy job presenting the whole thing, making the whole murder as a police procedural. As expected from a crime drama, undisclosed evidences and the usual suspects were lined up. Interviews with experts, family and friends were also shown. Where the officers had good fun bashing was the media’s portrayal of the crime scene. Total romanticization, more fiction than facts. Blood splatters and what not were described by the broadcaster. Any officer worth their badge know that the scene was too damn clean. The gang would have thrown tomatoes at the broadcaster if it would achieve anything or simply if they had tomatoes at hand but alas, they content themselves with bashing. The group were playing their third round of eight-ball and it was Richard Harmsworth’s turn to break. It wouldn’t be a proper game without a wager hence he was fifty bucks in the line for the other guys secret. He’s playing against a newbie in the department, some guy named Charles, he reassigned from the 4th and the group was trying to find out why. Asides from his pretty face, Richard is known to be a hustler in pool so the new guy has to be ready to spill the beans. Richard was mid swing when Sarah, the waitress with the wicked legs, interrupted. “Yo, Willy. You got an important phone call.” She flashed a smile and left just as quick as she arrived. All the cops, wait starch that, all the guys present checked her out and their gaze followed her until she was out of sight. A few of them low whistled but all of them fantasized. Rick passed his cue stick to his partner, Sam Peters, who’s rather vocal about his fantasies. The officer headed to the bar where the landline was located and was surprise to hear detective Nash on the other end. “Officer Harmsworth? Okay, good. Son, I’m looking for an officers willing to operate off duty and outside their jurisdiction. It’s regarding the Red Rum case.” Rick’s curiosity sparked when the detective mentioned the case, even more so with request to operate outside the 6th jurisdiction. Even though he’s part of the Under the Guns, he operates differently. He adhere to the rules and it’s a bit strange for a detective from the 11th to ask assistance from outside his department. Rick has to clear things up before he could make a decision. “Sir, this might be a little blunt but I have a couple questions: what kind of operation are we talking about and why me?” The officer could hear the detective shifting papers. “Good questions son and I’ll give it to you clean. We got possible leads tying the victim with a possible cartel operation upstate. One of the feelers we got out caught wind of a possible exchange going down in a party, some place called Manor, tonight. Unfortunately, that’s outside my department’s jurisdiction and I’m not in the mood to get into a pissing contest with them folks. It would just delay things. Another catch is that the party consist of people below the age of 30 and I would have stand out like a sore thumb. I remembered you from the crime scene, thought you were passable, and pulled out your data. Says here you’re up for promotion, just waiting a slot in Quantico. Simply put son, you got the looks and intuition I need to get things done. The task is a simple look and see, I need eyes inside with a low possibility of arrest.” Richard thought briefly, considered the pros and cons of the request. It was a simple look and see, no action needed and if it does, he’ll be working outside his jurisdiction and off duty which has its consequences. The whole thing seems sketchy but on the other hand he may bump the investigation along. “Okay sir, I’ll help.” Rick replied to the detective. “Good son. You got your phone? Good, I’ll send you pictures of persons of interests and some case file information. And son, bring your gun and badge but keep it out of sight.” Both of them exchange numbers and soon after the data came rolling in. He got a couple of mug shots, a family photo here and there and few lines of case documents. After confirming that the officer got the data, the detective hanged up. [i]Well, nothing gets the night going that an off duty escapade. I would need some back up.[/i] Rick thought. He called his partner over and gave him the down low. Sam agreed without any hesitation. He was a born and bred Under the Gun officer, always willing to piss off another department. --- [hider=Scenario Information] The following events are canonized: The interaction of Reed Norman (TheRider) and Lisa Daniels (Konica), Lilith Adams (Silent Observer) and Cooper Harley (Polyphemus). Lilith Adams gained a [u]“Suspicious”[/u] plot penalty due to light of recent evidences connecting her to the victim. She has lower credibility when interacting with other characters. Cooper Harley gained [u]“Criminal Record: Known Dealer”[/u] and [u]“All-points Bulletin (APB)”[/u] due to failing to interact with the police, for understandable reasons. The detectives are aware of Cooper Harley’s activities and have informed other departments of him. He is more likely to be arrested when in public. See “Plot Points & Penalties” for further information. [b][u]Current Mysteries:[/u][/b] [indent][b][u]The Party at Manor:[/u][/b] It’s the talk of the town, a high class party upstate in a place called Manor. The home town of the victim is getting a lot of attention. A lot of young adults and party goers are hitting the scene. Rumor has it that big time suppliers and dealers will be present as well. Use this scenario to further the plot. Many outcomes can be achieved depending on the actions of your characters.[/indent] [hider2=Main Mysteries] [indent][b][u]The Blank Account:[/u][/b] Someone is posting private images of the victim in Norman Reed’s forum. Is this person connected to the murder? Due to the plot development, only Norman Reed and Lisa Daniels are allowed to pursue this mystery. Other players can pursue this mystery if they provided the appropriate backstory i.e. a setting which would connect their character to the mystery. [b][u]Goody-Two-Shoes:[/u][/b] Maria Todd was living two lives. On one end, she was a princess and on the other she was a deviless. Explore Maria’s past by visiting her hometown up state. Players can interview the victim’s parents (take note: whatever they say to a player character, they already have said to the police) or investigate the church Maria was attending. Is the church simply what it is or is there something more to it? [b][u]Party-Animal:[/u][/b] Maria Todd was living two lives. On one end, she was a princess and on the other she was a deviless. Explore the rumors surrounding Maria’s university life. Any setting taking place in a party is viable. Certain outcomes can be achieve if the party is at the frat house in 5th Avenue.[/indent][/hider2] [b][u]Plot Points & Penalties:[/u][/b] [indent][b]Reed Norman (TheRider)[/b] – [u]“Acquainted with the Police: Informant”[/u] Reed Norman has a history with the police as an informant. He has greater credibility but if he comes under suspicion, he is not able to defunct or shift it himself. Other players are still able to do so. [u]“Connected: Lisa Daniels”[/u] The Police are aware of his connection with Lisa Daniels. He may be required to elaborate on their relationship in a future time. [b]Lisa Daniels (Konica)[/b] – [u]“Person of Low Interest”[/u] Lisa Daniels has resolved her “Person of Interest” plot-point. The detectives have little interest on her as of now, they may or may not contact her again. [u]“Connected: Reed Norman”[/u] The Police are aware of her connection with Reed Norman. She may be required to elaborate on their relationship in a future time. [b]Lilith Adams (Silent Observer)[/b] – [u]“Person of Low Interest”[/u] Lilith Adams has resolved her “Person of Interest” plot-point. The detectives have little interest on her as of now, they may or may not contact her again. [u]“Suspicious”[/u] Due to recent evidences and developments, Lilith Adams is suspected by other players. She has lower credibility when interacting with other characters. [b]Cooper Harley (Polyphemus)[/b] – [u]“Person of High Interest”[/u] Due to other character’s statements, the detectives have a high interest on Cooper Harley. [u]“Criminal Record: Known Dealer”[/u] Cooper’s record pinged when the detectives run his name in the system. They are now aware of his rap sheet, last known address and face. [u]“All-points Bulletin (APB)”[/u] The detectives put out an APB due to him being a person of high interest. Cooper is more likely to get arrested when in public. [b]Chris Richards (Liriia)[/b] – [u]“Person of Interest”[/u] Chris Richards is sought after the detective to clarify his/her relationship with the victim.[/indent] [hider2=Case File]. --- [center][b]VICTIM PROFILE[/b][/center] --- [center][IMG]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p570/riexserge/liarliar/MariaTodd.png[/IMG][/center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Maria Todd [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 21 [b][u]Personality & Background: [/u][/b] The victim comes from old money up-state. Her family is rich and conservative, regularly attends church. According to the statement of Lisa Daniels (so called ex-best friend), the church’s pastor is devout and Maria might be part of a group. She also may have attended few religious healings (Ms. Daniels states that the religious healings were more like an indoctrination event). During the time the victim and Ms. Daniels were close, presumably in high school, she was described as your average teenager, gets good grades and parties occasionally. Ms. Daniels describe her as responsible and a social butterfly. After their falling out, which was due to the victim trying to convert Ms. Daniels (Ms. Daniels also stated that Maria might have been brainwashed by the pastor), negative rumors started circulating regarding the victim. According to the statement of Lilith Adams (believe to be a regular in the Universities party scene), Maria was a party animal which bare a stark contrast to Ms. Daniels statement. One can say that responsible doesn’t describe Maria. [indent]Note: The victim was taking up a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts.[/indent] --- [center][b]CRIME SCENE REPORT[/b][/center] --- [center][IMG]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p570/riexserge/liarliar/cs0.png[/IMG][/center] The body was found in an alley between two campus buildings by a janitor named Herman Reese. According to the statement of Herman Reese, he seen or heard nothing prior to the discovery (requires further elaboration). The responding officers were Richard Harmsworth, badge #22205 – unit #6, and Sam Peters, badge #60465 – unit #6. They followed standard procedure when securing the scene (requires further elaboration). The alley way was wide enough for a vehicle to pass through but tight enough for a driver to prefer the longer way around. The body was found at the center of the alley way, near where the dumpster were located. No personal items were found within the vicinity of the body. There was a small pool of blood under the victim. The Universities staff were kind enough to identify the body as Maria Todd. The body was transported to Pathology before I arrived. Forensics’ preliminary report states that the crime scene was relatively clean despite its location. No trace evidences and only the finger prints of the janitor and responding officers were found. There were however few noteworthy aspects. 1) The victim’s hair showed signs of bleaching and dying. The dying process seems to halt mid-way. 2) The victim was found clothed but stain and fold patterns suggest the murderer either change or clothed the victim post mortem. 3) Liver mortis suggests that the victim died within two days from the body was found (see Autopsy & Lab Report for further details). 4) There were no noteworthy marks in the victim’s body asides from a stab wound on her abdomen, just above the naval. According to the pathologies at the scene, the wound was deep enough to severe the spin nerves of the victim, causing paralyses and in addition, she would have bled more profusely than what the scene entails (see Autopsy & Lab Report for further details). This led me to concluded that the victim was murdered elsewhere and was ‘dumped’ in the alley way. After examining the crime scene, I began canvasing the area. My partner, Tomias van der Westhuizen was running late and the area was too large for me to canvas alone so I requested assistance from the available officers at hand, Richard Harmsworth and Sam Peters. We gathered statements from multiple individuals and listed down possible persons of interest. [IMG]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p570/riexserge/liarliar/sigMichaelNash.png[/IMG] --- [center][b]AUTOPSY & LAB REPORT[/b][/center] --- [center][IMG]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p570/riexserge/liarliar/autopsy0-1.png[/IMG][/center] [b][u]Cause of Death:[/u][/b] Asphyxiation due to a tear on the diaphragm. Notes: No other visible injuries found on the victim’s body. Base on wound analyses, the victim was stab twice, first with a smaller blade and then a longer blade. The initial stab tear her diaphragm and severed the nerves on her spine, causing paralyses. She was then stab again post mortem on the same location. [b][u]Time of Death:[/u][/b] Inconclusive, somewhere between 48 hours to when the body was found. State of the body Indicates that she was held in a hot and humid location prior to discovery. [b][u]Toxicology:[/u][/b] Various Street and Prescription Drugs. [b][u]Other Observations:[/u][/b] 1) The victim’s hair shows signs of bleaching and dying. The dying process is incomplete and only half of her hair was done. 2) No DNA evidence gathered under the victim’s finger nails or anywhere else on her body. [IMG]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p570/riexserge/liarliar/sigAndrewSmith0.png[/IMG] [/hider2][/hider] P.S. Dammit, I got TheRider’s character name all backwards all these time! It was [i][b]Reed Norman[/b][/i] and not Norman Reed >.> Damn you guys!