Unfortunate, but not hopeless. The frigate had to be communicating with the fighters, and that meant [i]some[/i] channel was open for her to sneak through. Pulling up the sensor controls, she instructed to scan the human communication frequencies, focusing on those used at the time the pirate frigate was manufactured. It took a minute, but finally the machines spat out a frequency. Now all she needed was a relay. "Astra to Wolf Squad. I'm attempting to gain control of the enemy ships. I'm marking one fighter on your screens that I'm using as a relay to upload a virus. Try to keep it intact for as long as possible." she explained as she instructed the intruding AI to not only search for the information they were seeking, but also to try and wrestle the control of the fighters from the pirate pilots. While the Faira never were in a war, they prepared for the possibility. Being numerically inferior, they developed advanced electronic warfare suites. The theory behind it was pure genius - not only deprive the enemy of their assets, but turn them against their owners and save their own resources. Of course, they didn't have any sample to test their programs on, but now she had one and intended to use it. A beep signaled her the virus have pierced the defenses of the fighter's computer. She routed the virus through there because she hoped the fighter's systems would not be as well protected as the frigate's. And from the fighter, the virus could disguise it's own transmissions as communication and fool the frigate's firewalls. Now if only the pirate was wise enough to stay away from the wolves so the upload could finish.