Anyone interested? I have a setting in mind. Note that not every character would have to be a lizardman. Or lizardwoman. It's easier just to call them lizardfolk. If you must think of them as being a bit like Argonians, so be it. Setting: This RP takes place in a fantasy world, set in a distant jungle continent. Lizardfolk live in the dense swamps and rainforests, dwelling in villages made of straw huts. The technology level is low, but the lizardfolk compensate in part using stealth, magic, and sheer strength. A average lizardfolk stands about six inches taller than a human. They have different skin colors, mostly shades of green, ranging from olive to emerald, and almost everything in between. Males stand taller than females, even more so than in relation to most humans.They dress lightly, with loincloths and sometimes cloaks or capes. Footwear is unknown, but their clawed feet are well-suited to the jungle terrain. They use their three-toed feet for climbing and combat, and their three fingers and thumb are clawed as well. While they are very good at swimming and climbing, they breathe only air. They can see better than humans can in the dark, and have a better sense of smell too, although their hearing is somewhat inferior to humans. Despite their primitive appearance, the lizardfolk have hidden depths to them. Legends abound of lost cities, exotic temples, and mysterious cabals of mages dwelling in the deepest corners of the swamps. Lizardfolk culture is suspicious of outsiders, polytheistic, and very patriarchal. The strongest males collect harems of females and the strongest of all the males in a tribe is its chief. Struggles over the chiefdom are common, and few chiefs die a peaceful death. Lethal tournaments are regularly held to determine which males are the strongest, and to settle scores once and for all. In spite of this violence, lizardfolk rarely tolerate the abuse of family members or friends, even as they are ruthless towards their rivals. I can add more details if there are any takers. Anyone interested?