[i]Background[/i] It's 999 of M41, and the 13th Black Crusade has engulfed the Fortress World of Cadia. Traditionally, over 70% of Cadians remain under arms and so the entire planet is a war zone. The forces of the Imperium hold the fortified cities of Cadia - 'Kasrs' - while the forces of Chaos have landed en masse across the planet's surface. Every Kasr is under siege, every city wall is contested, every street is a kill zone where cultists, Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons cut down loyal Imperials by the thousands. The players are defending Hive Block 8 of Kasr Kyroq, a lightly defended Kasr dedicated to the production of Agri-supplies. At the outset of the Crusade, the few noncombatants on Cadia's surface were evacuated to secure Kasrs, leaving the Cadian army free to engage the forces of Chaos without worrying about killing their own citizens. The war on the surface has since degraded to the point that the "secure" Kasr's are under threat. Imperial transports are landing in Kyroq at all hours, disembarking regiments from across the Imperium and moving the noncombatants off world. The players' mission seems simple enough- defend Hive Block 8 at all costs, follow orders from high command, and drive the forces of Chaos back outside the Kasr's fortified walls. With the arrival of reinforcements and Imperial starships bombarding the countryside outside the Kasr, victory could be within sight for the defenders of Kyroq. But Chaos, by its very nature, is unpredictable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- So would anyone be interested in playing a squad-based Guard campaign?