((Well, here goes...Cleopatra Kiyomi Snow, I choose you!)) "Hey, do you think she's okay?" "Huh? Who?" "Y'know, the girl who you heard screaming last night...y'know? The one you went to go see...the one we heard screaming." "...I dunno. A bunch of people ran by and a boy picked her up and took her to the nurse's. I just came right back, remember? I think she should be okay, though." "I really hope so. Oh, hey, who was that guy who came by earlier? The one you [i]lied[/i] to about finding someone else, eh? Maetaka, was it?" "Goddamnit, Leo. Go to sleep." "Alright, Ayane..." -------------------- Morning came too fast. Early nights were useless, but Leo was exhausted from the setting up at the new school. She'd had to turn in one. But it was more exhausting than a late night, she found. The morning routine was quite simple. Get up, shower, get dressed, bid roommate farewell, admire the room and convince herself she was actually there, in Japan, at that school, take a deep breath and move on. She especially fingered her drumsticks before setting them down on the stool of the set she'd set up in her room. The only alleviation she could offer the other people in the girls' dorm from the crashing sound of her raining down hell on her drums to a rock-song would be some thickly-padded framed photos she'd put up. Soundproofing something that wasn't hers wasn't an option, but she'd decided to play only when her roommate would be out, for whatever reason. She was a popular girl, though, Ayane, from what Leo had heard of her. She was pretty, too, but friendly. The perfect combo. She'd definitely have many suitors at her feet if she so much as batted her eyelids. "...gonna go out, Ayane. See ya." Her roommate was still asleep, and murmured something incomprehensible and rolled over in bed in response. "You'll be late to your first class if you sleep in, damnit." Leo sighed, shook her head, and made her way out. Before classes started, she'd definitely check out what else the school had to offer. It was a huge affair, and she'd be wandering aimlessly about. The signs didn't make any sense to her yet. A helpful girl had explained "male and female" dorms to her though, so she wouldn't make the mistake again, which was great. Hallways, through hallways, through hallways, through hallways. The girl pushed back a strand of her dyed hair behind an ear and fixed her glasses, noticing an open room across the hall. "Brilliant! Someone...some people should be awake!" She jogged across, chunky bangles jittering and jumping on her wrists with each step. She came to a stop and peered through the doorway, eyebrow quirking at noticing the room was quite empty. And...and someone carrying things to said empty room from another, smaller room across the hall? "Err...pardon me! English?" She blinked at the young man who would come to be known to her as Clarius, and her eyes followed him doing his task to the room, which wasn't so empty after all. There was a girl there. Her name was...Diana, did he say? Oh, they must have been English after all. "Yes! English! Pardon...but would you like some help? Those things look...err. Heavy."