Phil just watched as Cora beat her self up mentally... He really didn't know what to say. This place was dead, The last place on earth where you could just forget about the outside, dead. Phil just started to think about how they could of stopped this. maybe they should have left half the group behind, to defend. Or they could of... His train of thought was interrupted by Cora finishing with "How could this tragedy be?". He had to say something now, just to reassure her. "H-hey, don't beat yourself up! none of us knew THIS was going to happen... Just think about what would happen when we beat the Vygorns" He said hopefully as he stared through the cave entrance, "Do you think the grass would grow green? Or the trees won't just die?". As he finished his hopefully effective pep-talk, A figure started approaching the cave. Phil stayed cautious until he saw that signature fedora. Phil was next to ecstatic when he saw someone else make it out alive from that disaster. He turned to Cora and said "Cora look, Will is back!". He saw Will wave his arms like a lunatic, which he replied with a calm gesture to approach. Phil thought, maybe he knows what happened to the others.