[quote=Nightwing] Bane smiled grimly, his mask upturning in what could only be perceived as his agreement. "I believe, that this plan is...supplementary to my interests." He nodded, neck muscles bulging at the movement. "I'm ready when you are, my spies have reported that our little bird has just returned home from Bludhaven. So, whenever we can, I suggest we hurry- unless they separate again." With that, Bane turned and headed away, the ground trembling with each step he took. Revenge was clear in his gaze, filled with fire and malice. The Bat Family would finally shrivel under his hands. They wouldn't just shrivel, they would break- they would be reduced to ash when he was through with them. [/quote] Joker laughed with anticipation following bane. This would be fun. the whole ride there was silent, but the eagerness in the air was unmistakable. Finally they arrived. Joker grinned. this was going to be so much fun [thats where we left off]