Name: Florence Kelowna Age: 23 Gender: female Role: member Appearance: [hider=Florence] [img=] [/hider] Personality: Florence is a very practical and realistic woman. She knows her boundaries as a woman, considering the time period, and she doesn't count on things that are unlikely to happen. However, this does not stop her from mixing in at saloons and having a knack for firearms. As a dance hall girl, she could be considered a woman living in a man's world (wink wink nudge nudge), but does not use it to her advantage. She can be very independent but also works well in groups. She is usually helpful and has a good sense of humor. Bio: Florence was born in the region of Gaptooth Ridge, to a miner father and a housewife mother. She did not see her father much, as he lived at the mine and only visited when he could, which resulted her in having to live in a very small cabin with her mother and younger brother. Her mother was a religious nut, claiming the bible gave her the right to beat her children and torture them in various ways. Both Florence and her brother did not go to school, as their mother did not let them out of the house much, aside from chores and sending them into town to get needed items. When Florence was fifteen, her mother beat her brother to death, which compelled her to run away from home. She had little money and no schooling, which forced her to go into prostitution in Thieve's Landing.After turning eighteen, Florence learned that she could work as a dance hall girl and make more money. She started working as a dance hall girl in Armadillo. When she was twenty, she married a man who was a regular at the saloon and had taken a specific liking to her (this happened often with dance hall girls). Occupation before the apocalypse: Dance hall girl (not to be confused with prostitute. Dance hall girls were employed at saloons to keep the men company and to attract their attention to keep them at the saloon longer, spending more money on gambling and drinks. Dance hall girls did not sleep with the men at the saloon in exchange for money). Weapons: Double action revolver and knife Horse: American standard Strengths: skilled at shooting and keeping calm during chaotic situations Other info:Her husband may or may not be in the RP, as I have someone who may join later and will RP as the husband