"I'm guessing she was a first year, like me. She probably didn't know her way around the school and was looking for something. Maybe her dorm or a friend. Once getting into the basement her attacker stabbed her. But, her attacker had to be following her because how else would he or she know the girl was in the basement. I don't think people are just sitting around and then when they see somebody they decide to stab them." Daniel said holding his chin thinking as he and his friend walked to the nurses office. It puzzled Daniel and that was something he liked, puzzles. Once arriving at the nurses office he poked his head in, nobody was in the room where the nurses should be. "Hmm" Daniel said making his way to one of the 3 back rooms where the girl should be. Daniel pushed a door open, he turned the knob and it squeaked. The bed was empty except for a puddle of fresh blood. The blood shined in the dim lighting of the room. The 2 windows that were in the room were open ant the breeze pushed the curtains up words. The blood led to the windows, hand prints were on the window ledge. Daniel gasped at the sight. He made sure Shakuntala stayed out of the room. "Go get help now!" Daniel said poking his head out of room looking at Shakuntala. The smile that was usually always on Daniel's face was gone. He happy face had turned into a sad morbid face. It was like he had seen a ghost. He didn't know what was going on. Daniel went back into the room and to the windows. Expecting to see a body on the side walk below he prepared himself for the worst. But, below was nothing, no body, blood or anything. Just students walking into the school laughing and ready for their first day. The girl Daniel had saved was gone. He was shocked, he didn't know what to think.