[center][b]Name:[/b] Darien J. Marco[/center] --- [center][b]Age:[/b] 10[/center] --- [center][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/center] --- [center][b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/4758-1415204791.png] In the dream world Darien appears as an all black figure, almost like a walking shadow with a black smoke like aura that emits from all over his body, sporting a [url=http://i4.minus.com/iblv4KQMsV5r74.png]solide white mask.[/url][/center] --- [center][b]Personality:[/b] Darien is a rather vindictive person when it comes to someone who crosses him in anyway, he feels the need to 'get back' at someone with something he feels is equal to or slightly more than what they had done to him. This vindictive trait of his makes it hard for him to stay out of trouble. When Darien isn't committing his acts of revenge he is a quite outgoing and friendly person, kind of like two sides of the same coin. Darien is a very hyperactive child, almost never sitting still, constantly running around when he has the chance.[/center] --- [center][b]History:[/b] Darien grew up as the youngest of his family of 6, the oldest of his siblings being his brother with two sisters before him. They were raised by their mother and father who would be fighting more than regularly. As the youngest of all the children in his family he would be picked on by his two older sisters because their parents would baby him and give him more attention then his other siblings. With his parents constant fighting and being tormented by his sisters, Darien would find solace with his older brother who would stop his sisters from picking on him. While with his brother he would hatch schemes to get back at his sisters for picking on him. when the plans were set in to play to get back at them his sisters would only come back with more, thus causing there to always be some sort of confrontation between them. In time Darien's older brother had moved out, leaving his only place of solace to be in his dreams where he had full reign of what transpired in them.[/center] --- [center][b]Dreams:[/b] Darien's dream space is an ever-changing terrain because he likes the constant change of nothing being the same for too long, kind of like is hyperactivity in the waking world. In his dreams, he sometimes uses them to get back at his sisters by creating exact replicas of them and tormenting them to the point he feels they do to him when he cant do anything about it in the real world. When he isn't getting back at his sisters in his dreams he tends to building and destroy that he thinks up, pretending to be a superhero or super villain depending on how he feels going to be. Darien's are never the same due to the constantly changing terrain, thus causing him to have new dreams ever night.[/center] --- 09/08/2014 - 5:48 PM