[quote=Jorick] Oh, this again? We're doing the "omg Spam is so dead it's awful!!!" thing during a lull in activity again?Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that school is starting up again after the summer, during which people had a lot more free time to fuck around on the forum.It's not at all the case that Spam and the forum as a whole have fluctuating activity levels.There's absolutely no reason to believe Spam has had slow times before this one and bounced back again just fine.Nope, Spam is super dead, one foot in the grave. Totally not gonna start being active again in a couple weeks once people get used to their school shit again and can better manage their time. Oh, and it absolutely won't experience similarly lessened levels of activities around the time schools are doing midterms and finals. No sir, Spam is dead as dicks, no two ways about it. [/quote] I feel like you've posted this before. Not joking. Do you just copy/paste this into every "SPEM IS DED ERMAGERD" thread?