George- Baton Rouge/ Bingo Hall- Tyler/Katie George sighed as he looked down, nodding to himself. "I see your concern, mister. I had a little girl before all of this, and I don't blame you. If she was here with me I would probably be a lot more cautious as well, but please hear me out. I'm alone. I desperately want to get out of this stupid place and make the trek to find any remnants of civilization. I don't want to do that alone. I may be well armed, but one man isn't nearly enough. But then, somebody shows up at my shelter digging for supplies. They're obviously in need of food and drink, and possibly ammunition. All of which I have. In other words, we both have what the other needs..." George let out a small cough, and scratched the back of his neck. "...Now if you still don't trust me after what I've just said, then by all means, walk right out that door. There'll be no peep from me.". He understood what Tyler was going through, and he respected the man's sense of protection towards his daughter. George was just a little afraid that Tyler wouldn't even consider his offer.